How to begin use EOBOT. I spend some time to findout how EOBOT work. and even Deposit the Bytecoin that i dig from i will share here for every body.
2FA key
After you sign up. you will get a mail to confirm your email address. it's importand. because EOBOT will send 2FA key by mail every time you log in.
Free Dogecoin
Every day you log in EOBOT. you will receive 1 Dogecoin for now. i am not sure will they change it or not.
Free Faucet then you can go to Faucet once a day. you can setting which kind crypto currency you want in Account Page.
Since we want to mining. we will need Calculate power. more power mean more speed to mining.
So! my suggest is setting it became Mining : GHS 3.0. (you can choose GHS 3.0 or GHS 4.0 Now) then go to the Faucet. you will get about 0.125 GHS 3.0 every day. (0.02 GHS 4.0 Now)
Why choose this? Because, if you choose another crypto currency. but your Calculate power is 0. then there will nothing can be mining.
and that time. you want to mining. You have to exchange them (those crypto currency you mining) become GHS 3.0 or GHS 4.0. but you have to pay 5% more fee for it.
if you want mining another crypto currency. very simple. just pull down the Mining menu and choose the crypto currency you want to mining.
Now Begin Mining
and when you go back to the Account Page. you will find that Cloud Mining in left down corner start mining. number of GHS 3.0 will adding.
and according the message showing Hashrate 0.125 GHS Daily Rate is 0.00000001 BTC.
Now you are on your way. began mining! you can now choose to mining more Hashrate or go to mining other crypto currency like BTC.
Increase more speed to mining
We can use those Faucet site deposit to EOBOT. and exchange those crypto currency you claim became GHS 3.0 or GHS 4.0 to increase our mining speed. my suggestion is MoonBit, ChronoX Coin, SunBit, MoonDoge, Moon Litecoin. because they all the same that is you don't need spend too many time to claim them. they will keep increase untail you have time to claim.
Same reason as i like EOBOT. you don't need spend too many times. and don't need open your computer. EOBOT still mining and increased your BTC. or you can choose some others form the WatchList.
to do that, you need doing next step.
Deposit If you want deposit to EOBOT, you need click the Deposit button. and wait the page reflash.
then scroll down to looking which crypto currency you want deposit.
and click Generate link to get the address.
I find that we can use Deposit doing two thing.
One is use EOBOT like a online wallet. they can store many kind crypto currency. And no miner fees or withdraw fees (limit of 5 free withdraws per day)
Another thing is use EOBOT like a exchange platform. since exchange crypto currency only need 5% fee. so if you want exchange small amount. that will be a good choose.
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